Putah Creek
Being only a stone’s throw away from the Sacramento Metropolitan area and the Bay Area, Putah Creek is known to be a hard creek to master, but most rewarding when you have the right Putah Creek Fly Fishing Guide to showing you how to effectively fish it. Why is that you ask? Maybe it’s because of the constant fishing pressure that it gets being so close to many urban cities that the fish see a lot of flys and fisherman. Maybe it’s because you have to fish it with light tippet and very small flys, and still come up with nothing but weeds. Or maybe because a person will go there one time, hoping to have an epic day, hearing that the fishing has been fantastic, get skunked and never fish it again. Having a knowledgeable guide on this river is key. Whether fishing the radical 600-900 cfs flows in the summer or the trickle flows of 60-80 cfs in the winter, knowing where the fish will be holding in these conditions are ideal to mastering Putah Creek. I have been fishing this river for many years now and have learned the cycles of the creek. I have seen Putah produce some impressive trout in the past few years, some trout measuring up to 35". Putah Creek is one of my favorites to fish and guide, because you never know what’s going to happen, the next cast could be a trout of a life time. Yes, Putah Creek is difficult to master, but as the saying goes, "practice makes perfect". As of 12-10-2009, regulations were passed for Putah Creek to only allow artificial lures and barbless hooks as well as making it catch and release year round. This was mainly done by the help of Putah Creek Trout Organization, DFG and some NPOs. These regulations were in dire need due to the dwindling numbers of large trout. Now that these regulations are in place it’s just a matter of time that this creek becomes the stream it once was, "A BLUE RIBBON TROUT STREAM”. -Brian